Blues is the teacher. Punk is the preacher. It’s all about emotion and energy. Experience and raw talent, spirit and intellect. Exciting things happen when these things collide.

Bob Vennum and Lisa Kekaula made the BellRays happen in 1990 in Riverside, California but they weren’t really thinking about any of this then. They wanted to play music and they wanted it to feel good. They wanted people to WANT to get up, to NEED to get up and check out what was going on. Form an opinion. React.

So they took everything they knew about; the Beatles, Stevie Wonder, the Who, the Ramones Billie Holiday, Lou Rawls, Hank Williams, the DB’s, Jimmy Reed, and Led Zeppelin (to name a very few to whom “BLUES IS THE TEACHER”) and pressed it into service.

It’s a rock show in its rawest and rarest form!

They’re joined on all dates by fast-rising multinational garage punks LOS PEPES, who released their latest album Positive Negative last year. Full dates are…

WED 15 JAN – Wedgewood Rooms, Portsmouth
THU 16 JAN – The Louisiana, Bristol
FRI 17 JAN – Le Pub, Newport
SAT 18 JAN – The Phoenix, Exeter
SUN 19 JAN – The Lantern, Halifax
TUE 21 JAN – Voodoo, Edinburgh
WED 22 JAN – Broadcast, Glasgow
THU 23 JAN – The Cluny, Newcastle
FRI 24 JAN – Westgarth Social Club, Middlesbrough
SAT 25 JAN – Prince Albert, Brighton
SUN 26 JAN – Oslo, London

Tickets are on sale here 

We catch up with The Bellrays in the new edition of Vive Le Rock, out on 27 January!

The BellRays on Facebook

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