The band's Senior Acting Spokesperson, Xerox Feinberg gets on the case....
"Way back in the day, a couple members of The Prefabs lived in a crappy off-campus apartment shared by a spoiled metalhead teenager sporting a giant mullet, a padlocked room full of virgin vinyl, and a massive drum set he couldn't keep a beat on. This kid (just a few years younger than us) had nothing but contempt for our early attempts at garage-rock-pop-psych-revivalism. I traded him Alice Cooper's Love It To Death for a battered copy of Revolver and never looked back... until now. 'MONSTER RIFF' is a long-delayed homage to this crazed roomie and the kind of music I spent decades snobbishly avoiding. There's some giant guitar riffs (IMHO), bassist Trip Thompson channels a demonic Axl Rose, and somehow The Flamin' Groovies sorta get in there too. The exquisitely animated video ties it all together with a fairly senseless melange of B-movie monsters and alternative reality Saturday morning cartoons."
Originally existing on the Boston club scene from 1981 to '83, The Prefab Messiahs spent the following three decades as just a memory until a Burger Records reissue of a CD-R compilation prompted renewed interest. An 8-song mini-album - Keep Your Stupid Dreams Alive - in 2015 was followed earlier this year by Psychsploitation ...Today!, a full-length album of all-new material.
Psychsploitation ...Today! is out now through Lolipop/Burger Records. You can buy it here.

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Pic by Plastic Mynd