'Way Of Life' is taken from the pair's new album Rude Rebels which is out now through Cleopatra.
Produced by Sugary and Neville alongside Specials producer Tom Lowry at Planet Studios, Coventry, the album also sees them reunited with another former Specials alumnus, Roddy Radiation aka Roddy Byers on guitar.
“The album was produced with our love of punk, ska, 2tone and reggae, which we mixed into an indulgent sub-culture blend. A bit like me,” says Sugary Staple. “Working alongside Neville on the production was just perfect. He gets me, and he understands where I am at musically and about my promotion of women going for it, regardless of age and situation. We both still have something to say in our productions, while still creating a dancing beat or a sing-along vocal.”
“I felt really free on this production," adds Neville. "Having the freedom to be creative with someone on your wave-length is really refreshing for me. I love how we celebrate the great musical genres of my 40-year career. There’s a little taste of The Specials in there, a Clash type of punk vibe and even Trojan Records styles. We’ve been touring some of the songs and the fans have gone nuts for it. Great to have my buddy Roddy on board too.”
Rude Rebels is available on CD and limited edition clear black'n'white splatter vinyl from Cleopatra and digitally via Bandcamp.
You can catch Neville & Sugary Staple on tour at....
Nov 10 Bognor - Butlins
Nov 16 Llangollen - Sun Inn
Nov 17 Bristol - Fleece
Nov 23 Skamouth - DJ Party
Dec 01 Hastings - Black Market VIP
Dec 08 Devon (TBA)
Dec 21 Frome - Cheese & Grain
Dec 22 Swansea - The Garage

Neville Staple on Facebook
Pics by John Coles