HOODOO GURUS' latest spurt of activity continues apace with another new video.

'Get Out Of Dodge' follows on from their anti-Trump single 'Hung Out To Dry', released in June.

Appropriately adopting a Western theme for the video, the song reflects on the increasingly pervasive lynch-mob mentality infecting society.

“The world we live in is becoming more polarised and less tolerant every day, and we can often find ourselves confronting extremist views, some of which may be hostile to who we are or what we believe," explains frontman and songwriter Dave Faulkner. "Religion, politics, sexuality - there are any number of reasons why people might take a set against you, or try to browbeat you into toeing the party line. When you come to realise that they won't soften their views to accommodate you - and that you shouldn't change who you are to accommodate them - then what can you do? You get the hell out of Dodge!

“As the old saying goes, discretion is the better part of valour and it can be very satisfying to leave the hateful to stew in their own juices. A good surgeon knows when a damaged limb can be saved and when it’s better to amputate, so cut your losses and get yourself to a better place, somewhere people will cherish and support you, and live to fight another day. As the song says, ‘We’ve gotta get out of Dodge - while we still can!’”

Recorded at Harry Vanda's Hercules Street Studios in Surry Hills, Sydney. The track features guest backing vocals from BANGLES' Vicki Peterson (who's guested on various Gurus tracks over the years) and her husband John Cowsill of legendary Sunshine Pop band THE COWSILLS and also, currently, THE BEACH BOYS.

Out today, 'Get Out Of Dodge' is available to stream/download here.

Hoodoo Gurus on Facebook

Pic by Christopher Ferguson

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