L.A. collective BEAUTY IN CHAOS have a brand new video, which they're launching exclusively with Vive Le Rock!

Their version of the T REX classic '20th Century Boy', which is taken from thee coolective's new album Beauty Re-Envisioned features Marc Bolan's son Rolan on vocals and THE MISSION's Wayne Hussey on guitar, while the video is the work of Industrialism Films and Vicente Cordero, one of the directors behind Room 37: The Mysterious Death Of Johnny Thunders.

The new recording is markedly different to BIC's previous version on their debut album, Finding Beauty In Chaos, which featured MINISTRY's Al Jourgensen on vocals.

“Once Rolan agreed to be part of this, I wanted to recut the track with much more of the sultry swagger from the original," says BIC mastermind Michael Ciravolo. "We added a growly sax and some cool Mott The Hoople meets New Orleans honky-tonk piano to enhance the vibe we wanted. I probably would not be playing electric guitar if it was not for Marc Bolan. This is my big thank you... and I have been blessed to be able to enlist some great company to help me say it. Getting to record and perform this song with Marc’s son and Wayne Hussey is one of those oft-mentioned surreal moments in BIC.”

“When Michael came to me about Beauty In Chaos and doing ‘20th Century Boy’ , I first thought ‘here we go again, another T. Rex cover'," explains Bolan. "But once I heard the track and talked with him about the love and respect he has for my father’s music it just made sense. It was great timing for me as I was just beginning to get back into making music and we just clicked in the studio. My Dad was so influential to so many, and at times it’s been hard for me to understand what that really means. I’m really proud of what we’ve done here and I believe he would be too.”

"It is, of course, a huge pleasure to be playing guitar and singing on ‘20th Century Boy’, one of Marc Bolan’s best-known songs," adds Hussey. "And a transcendent honour to be doing so behind Rolan Bolan, Marc’s son. When Michael Ciravolo told me that Rolan was going to be involved I virtually begged Michael to let me be involved in this project. Bless him, despite being more than capable of handling all the guitar parts himself Michael did deign to let me have a strum, and a yodel, along. There’s another one off my bucket list! Cheers, Michael. And Rolan."

Beauty Re-Envisioned is available to pre-order here.

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