The League’s first album on their own label.
Of course Tunbridge Wells’ wildest export (not much competition, surely?) have been knocking around since the UK82 boom, and cut a swathe through lesser mortals of the time with a mixture of biker/punk garb, pumping delivery and uncompromising attitude, particularly on ‘So What’, replete with a diatribe of filthy lyrics that backed their fine cover of Ralph MacTells’ ‘Streets Of London’ that made the UK chart in 1982 and would have risen higher if the Obscene Publications Squad hadn’t stepped in. To cut a long story short, the League continued, eventually moving into rather bad metal territory, but eventually saw the error of their ways, and these days purvey a decent enough mixture of rock-tinged punk. Or is that punk-tinged rock? Yes, I think so. And that’s just what you get on ‘The Road To Rampton’, the League’s first album on their own label, and if you pick up the limited edition you can also cop a second DVD disc with a rather swish video for ‘Mother…You’re A Liar’.
Shane Baldwin