AGATHOCLES - Mince Core History 1996-1997


Guaranteed to loosen any dodgy teeth.
Agathocles were, and still are, self-styled purveyors of mince core, though I must confess that I'm not entirely sure what that means. The years given above are a little misleading, as the Belgian band's history stretches back as far as 1985, since when, with different line-ups, they've toured extensively and built up a huge back catalogue on labels worldwide, many of them split releases. Interestingly, the sleeve notes state that Agathocles recorded a John Peel session in 1997, and there's no reason to doubt it, but there's no mention in Ken Garner's official BBC book 'In Session Tonight'. I sincerely hope it's true, though, as the great man would have loved polluting our airwaves with truly brutal material like this.
Shane Baldwin

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