His rejoining the Stooges still isn't finalised with a planned rehearsal put back from July to August but James Williamson is stepping onto a stage and playing guitar live for the first time in 35 years in San Jose, south of San Francisco, on September 5.
James will play with country-rockers the Careless Hearts at club called the Blank Club
"Get there very, very early as it's a tiny place. Also be nice to me (as) I'm very, very old," James says. "But I'm kind of rockin' pretty hard these days." So there.
Check out the Careless Hearts here. They're a little different to the Raw Power Stooges but that shouldn't be a surprise. James' guitar tastes are quite eclectic these days with a focus on slack key guitar.
In case you were wondering, after a long career as a Sony electronics executive, James is retired and spends his time between his home north of San Francisco and a holiday place in the Hawaiian Islands.
And look-out below. It's James with ex-Pistol Steve Jones (left) at a recent Iggy show in L.A. Robert Matheu took the happy snap.