SAVE THE 100 CLUB what have Alan  McGee & Bobby Gillespie of Primal Scream got in common, other  than  Creation records? They are both behind the ground breaking scheme set  up by  a trio of music fans to save the 100 club on London's Oxford Street  from  becoming the latest in a line of iconic live venues to shut up shop due  to  ever increasing overheads.  The scheme aims to raise the capital needed to  buy out the present owner and  run the historic venue as a NOT FOR PROFIT  outfit. They are asking for  donations, initially pledges, to raise the funds  and anyone that donates  directly to the scheme will become a "member of the  100 Club" and will have  a say in the major decisions taken by the  Trustees.  The former Oasis label boss, Alan McGee gets behind the  campaign by saying "  The 100 club is a national treasure and should be  saved. It is at the  heartbeat of rock 'n' roll music in London. Its a  magical venue."  A spokesman for the savethe100club campaign told the BIG  CHEESE "We are  doing this because above all we love the place and don't want  to see it go  the way of other small clubs in London, It has an amazing  legacy but it also  has the potential to be great again and we want to see  the "next big thing"  discovered at the venue, we hope to save the future by  preserving the past".  <> <>     
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