SPLIT DOGS are one of the hottest, hardest-working bands in the U.K right now and we are stoked to have them playing the next Vive Le Rock Presents... night at London's Kings Cross Water Rats on 6 November along with Finland's DEAD FUN and London's DESPERATE MEASURES. We sat these dogs down for some chow and got the lowdown on all things Split Dogs....

What a year you guys are having!! How's the mood in the Split Dogs camp
right now? 

"We are all really excited by how well our music is being received. It’s always good for us because we make the music we love but to have other people dig it is a blessing."

You lot are touring like crazy! Don't you get sick of being on the road? How do you pass the time in the van? 

"The only bit we get sick of is service station food but other than that it’s an absolute gas! We have made so many memories and got to meet great people. Time in the van is either spent sleeping or blasting Capital Gold on the radio cause it’s all killer and no filler."

What's the best / favourite show you have played this year?

"There’s always something wicked about each show we play. However, the Garageland promotion shows we play in London and Brighton always go off and are a lot of fun."

And tell us about the album? What can we expect? 

"It’s relentless rock'n'roll. We don’t hold back. We recorded this straight to tape, no computers, no Auto-Tune. We wanted to capture the energy of our live shows and honour those rock'n'roll bands that came before the digital age. We are really proud of it and can’t wait to share it with everyone."

You're playing the Vive Le Rock night at The Water Rats, London on 6 November. We can't wait for it! What can we expect from the Split Dogs show??? 

"Sweat, steel and sex appeal! And just a genuine good time, our aim is to entertain and to give people a chance to let their hair down and let loose. It’s going to be a really good nite!"

Tickets for the Water Rats show are on sale here  - please help the venue and the bands by booking in advance - KEEP MUSIC LIVE!!!

Split Dogs' new album Here To Destroy is out on 28 February through Venn Records. Pre-order it here!

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