Coming together as teenagers, the potty-mouthed Auckland foursome have gained something of a reputation for upsetting folk, forcing them to find a new, and hopefully more tolerant, audience elsewhere. On the decision to move, the band’s singer Paul Caveman explains, “No bar will have us, no station will play us… We might as well bugger off to the other side of the world.”
Drawing on the influence of THE CRAMPS, THE STOOGES and the mighty DEAD MOON, the band's debut was originally issued on their home turf late last year by NZ label 1:12 Records. It's available to buy digitally and on crystal clear or toxic green 12" vinyl here.
Check out the video for 'Stand By Your Ghoul'.
The Cavemen are playing a Some Weird Sin night with HOTGOTHIC and B-MOVIE THIEVES at London's Nambucca on Friday 22 April. They're on the lookout for more gigs so get in touch!

The Cavemen on Facebook