Poly Styrene, frontwoman of X-ray Spex, has announced her return to music with the alternative christmas song 'Black Christmas' as a free download. Vive Le Rock caught up with Poly to find out more:

Can you talk us through ‘Black Christmas’ please? Where did the idea for it come from?
"Black Christmas was a very spontaneous outburst with my daughter. We just thought we’d do something that was a bit different to the standard Christmas songs. Initially we were just having a bit of fun and then we liked it and said lets do it as a duet. The financial crisis had just started to hit the media and the killer in LA dressed up as Santa Claus was on the news channels and it was really weird synchronicity."

You released it as a free download via the internet. How important a tool do you feel that the internet is when it comes to both established musicians and new bands?
"The internet is a very important tool for communication and I would say that both for established and new bands its equally important."

Written by Poly and her daughter Celeste (who is on the song), 'Black Christmas' was inspired by news of an LA serial killer dressing up as Santa Claus.

More on Poly Styrene in the next issue of Vive Le Rock (out February).
Poly's album 'Generation Indigo' produced by Youth is set for release in March 2011

Download the track for free from http://www.poly-styrene.com

Watch the video below:

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