The plaque is sited on a building at 33 Daventry Street, London NW1, where Strummer squatted during '78-'79 and just a stone's throw from Lisson Grove labour exchange, where he famously first met Mick Jones and Paul Simonon while signing on.
The plaque, provided by Seymour Housing Co-operative, who now own the building, was unveiled at 1.01pm on 7 December, the 37th Anniversary of the release of the 'London Calling' single.

The event was presented by local resident and former London Assembly Member, Murad Qureshi, with a speech by Robert Gordon McHarg III from the Co-operative. Also in attendance were Strummer's widow and daughter, former 101ers member Julian Yewdall and newly-appointed night czar, Amy Lamé, who says, "I’m delighted to see one of my heroes honoured in this way and it’s a reminder that Joe Strummer’s influence is still shaping peoples’ lives. I can see punk’s do-it-yourself attitude in London’s pop-up restaurants, clubs and of course in the music venues that stage new bands and artists every night."
Adds Qureshi, "It’s incredible to know that one of the icons of Punk Rock - Joe Strummer - lived in a squat along our street when he and the Clash were holding huge gigs in the UK, Europe and US. I’m really proud to see the acknowledgement of how this enclave of Marylebone was a sanctuary to punk rock when it needed space to flourish, showing the importance of providing creative spaces still in Central London."