GROEZROCK 2014, Edition #23:

4 More new names for Groezrock.

You know the drill by now. We send mails, you read them, we give you new names and you go ‘meh’ or ‘wow’. We hope for the latter. So without further ado, here are more new names for Groezrock!

According to their band bio, these guys sound like garbage when it’s thrown off a roof into the dumpster your dickhead boss rented for your underpaying contractor gig. Or as their label likes to put it, they pull liberally from Seaweed, Quicksand and Kerosene 454 and fully embrace their hardcore-dudes-trying-to-play-alt-rock influences. DRUG CHURCH is coming to Groezrock, people!

Two years ago a little band called Refused played at Groezrock and apparently vocalist Dennis Lyxzén had such a good time he wanted to come back with one of the other bands he is in. INVSN combines the strongest elements of ‘70’s psych and ‘80s New Wave so you’d better freshen up on those spastic dance moves.

And then there’s the DESCENDENTS. Punkrock legends. But we also had the chance to book ALL. So was it going to be DESCENDENTS? Or ALL? Or DESCENDENTS? Or ALL? There was a lot to be said for DESCENDENTS. Then again, you could say all the same things about ALL. So we said ‘fuck it’ and added both DESCENDENTS and ALL to this year’s line-up.

Don’t forget to vote for the 10 finalists for the Macbeth stage. The names will be announced on February 17 so if you still want to vote, you’d better haul ass over to! And we still have one more band to announce so keep an eye out for that as well.

Oh, if you haven’t bought your ticket for Groezrock yet, we suggest you do it now instead of waiting too long and having to miss out on all the fun!

That's it for now… we still have one surprise up our sleeves though so check back later!

DRUG CHURCH, Party At Dead Man’s

INVSN, Down In The Shadows

ALL, World’s on Heroin




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