THE LIVING END are still enjoying their well deserved break from touring. Following what was both a successful and extremely busy eighteen months for the band, The Living End are taking a break from the road in order to concentrate on the writing of their next long-player. Chris Cheney has been taking some time out in a snowy New York over the last month or so, writing some tunes and enjoying his break. He wrote an update to fans last month saying: "It's never been the easiest task to write on the road so we didn't know quite how the first round (of demos) would turn out. We were pleasantly surprised. It's hard to describe how they sound but we can say that we're really excited thus far. Some are very TLE sounding and some are not, but we've been pushing ourselves to keep it powerful, epic and above all else ROCKIN'!" As 2010 progresses we shall see what The Living End have in store both in terms of touring and releases. But for now, all is quiet on this front.