As if he wasn't busy enough with the renewed Pistols action, GLEN MATLOCK has revealed that he's to be the subject of a new documentary film.

Directed by Nick Mead and Andre Relis, I Was A Teenage Sex Pistol is based on Matlock’s 1990 memoir of the same name. “I kind of let ‘em run with it,” he explains. “Like Steve Jones’ Pistol thing, it’s my side of the story, with lots of contributions, with Steve and Paul in it, and Clem Burke and Debbie Harry and Billy Idol… Hopefully bigging me up a bit! It’s not a hundred per cent finished, but I’m pretty pleased with it.”

No news of a release date for the film but it’s just been accepted for the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, where it will screen in February. “It’s like the trade show for films and TV shows, so we’ll have to see what happens from that, basically. It’s not really my department, but it’s quite a big deal to get in there in the first place.”

It’s also just been announced that the Pistols and Frank Carter will be headlining a Teenage Cancer Trust show in March, before jetting off to the other side of the world. “We play the Royal Albert Hall on the 24th, then we fly to Japan the next day, we’ve got a couple of gigs there, then on to New Zealand and Australia.”

In the immediate future Glen and his band will be heading out at the end of February for three shows at London’s 100 Club, (27/2), Colchester Arts Centre (28/2) and Ramsgate Music Hall (1/3). “I’d kind of like to get it out of my system before I go on tour with the Pistols. Gives me a chance to play all the songs I’ve written over the year.”

The band will be joined on all dates by Kathy Valentine from the Go-Go’s. “She kind of supports, then she gets up with the band at the end. I like Kathy, Clem Burke introduced us. She’s one of the guys, kinda thing!”

Matlock reveals that he has some new material currently in progress but what with the various other commitments, a new album may be several months away. “But if you come to a show, I might throw one in if I get it finished in time. When you’ve got a good band, and you’ve got half an idea, you can just work it up at the soundcheck and it’s good to go, really. It’s a bit more spur of the moment and it keeps you on your toes!”

Tickets for all shows are available here.

Pic by Tina K



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