Sad news from Neville Staple...

"At the beginning of December 2023, the legendary frontman Dr Neville Staple from The Specials was diagnosed with suffering from a serious Heart Defect.

Neville has been treated at 3 different hospitals and specialist have prescribed treatments and medications to try to control his symptoms, and thankfully things do seem to have stabilised. However, specialists have decided that Neville needs to take a complete rest from live performing and touring.

Neville absolutely loves performing and is obviously devastated by this news. He had gigs and festivals lined up for 2024 and beyond, all of which will have to be cancelled.

Neville knows that his fans and followers will understand the decision that has had to be made and he wants them to know that he is in the best possible hands with his medical team, wife and family. He thanks you all for your love and support over the years and hopes to see you soon.

Neville hopes to still attend appearances for charities, etc but will not be performing live shows".

At this point in time, there will be no further comment."


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