THE DAMNED CELEBRATE THEIR 35TH ANNIVERSAY WITH A UK TOUR THIS NOVEMBER PLAYING TWO CLASSIC ALBUMS BACK TO BACK This year marks the 35th anniversary of legendary UK rockers The Damned. Instrumental in kick-starting the original punk rock scene, from brash simple beginnings, The Damned have never been afraid to push themselves musically and throughout their years together have cruised through whatever areas of progressive, psychedelic, goth and pop rock that take their fancy. No one, especially the band themselves, could have predicted that a band as chaotic and explosive as The Damned could last 35 years, so to celebrate this momentous occasion, the band are touring first the USA in October, then the UK in November, playing a set that consists of two of their classic album’s being played back to back. The first part of the set will take the audience back to the sulphate and beer roaring days of The Roxy and the 100 Club as the band blaze through their high-energy 1977 debut ‘Damned, Damned, Damned’. “Damned, Damned, Damned” really captured the spirit of a time when music desperately needed a re-birth,” explains guitarist Captain Sensible. “How could we realize it would be so influential in kick-starting the punk scene? It was a rancid breath in the face of the stagnant rock gods and quite rightly heralded their demise whilst giving birth to the snottiest bastard child of rock'n'roll the world had ever seen.” The second part of the set will see the 1980 released ‘Black Album’ played in its entirety, climaxing with the glorious eighteen minute psychedelic masterpiece that is ‘Curtain Call’. ‘The Black Album’ shows the band at the peak of their powers and has long been a fan favourite. “The Black Album was ambitious beyond any of our abilities and expectations, and summed up perfectly the unpredictability of The Damned.” remembers Sensible. “Whilst everyone else stuck to the punk formula of 3 minute blasts of anger, we created an album full of dark energy and lush soundscapes. By constantly changing the rules, we had created another splinter in the flesh of the music industry and influenced a whole new and alienated generation of teenagers. It was the Dawn of Goth, only we didn't know it.” “Whole musical genres have come and gone in the time this band has been playing” continues Sensible. “We just try to make music that we enjoy, and if other people are into it, that is a bonus. We certainly never made music to follow any trends. We must be doing something right because after 35 years, we still meet fans and musicians all over the world that blame us for corrupting their youth!” Come celebrate The Damned’s 35th birthday at the following dates. November: 9th - Bristol, O2 Academy 10th - Birmingham, O2 Academy 11th - Cambridge, Corn Exchange 12th - London, Roundhouse 13th - Brighton, East Wing 14th - Norwich, UEA 15th - Nottingham, Rock City 17th - Newcastle, O2 Academy 18th - Leeds, O2 Academy 19th - Manchester, Academy 20th - Edinburgh, HMV Picture House