Legendary Norwegian rock n roll machine the Backstreet Girls hit the equally legendary Gypsy Hotel this saturday. with a sterling support cast-you gotta be dead if you miss it! GYPSY HOTEL Bourrbon Soaked Snake Charmin' Rock'n'Roll Cabaret! SATURDAY 16 JANUARY 2010 BACKSTREET GIRLS (Norway) -Black Boogie Death Rock¹n¹Roll! LYDIA DARLING -Fire Hoops A Go-Go! CHANCERY BLAME AND THE GADJO CLUB -A Potent Coctail Of Gypsy Klezmer Rock! ANETTE BETTY Dripping with diamonds, shaking with sauce! KING SIZE SLIM -Fat Roots Blues! MELPOMENI -Candy Wrapped Razor Blades and Psycodrama! DJ SCRATCHY -Resident Wax-Spinner! BARDENS BOUDOIR 36 STOKE NEWINGTON ROAD LONDON N16 7XJ TEL. 020 7 249 9557 DOORS 8PM (SHOW STARTS 9PM SHARP!) DRINKIN' AND DANCIN' NOW TILL 4AM! COVER £9.99 www.myspace.com/gypsyhotel <http://www.myspace.com/gypsyhotel> www.gypsyhotel.co.uk <http://www.gypsyhotel.co.uk/>