A petition has been raised to erect a plaque in honour of the SEX PISTOLS' final UK gig.
The gig took place at Huddersfield's Ivanhoe's nightclub on Christmas Day 1977, by which time the band was banned from playing in most of the UK. The event was organised as a benefit for the families of striking firemen, who'd been in dispute for nine weeks and were struggling to feed their families.
Unusually, the gig was open to all ages and footage shot by film-maker Julien Temple catches the unlikely sight of kids pogoing to 'God Save The Queen'. The film footage would later see the light of day in the 2013 documentary Never Mind the Baubles: Xmas '77 With the Pistols.
The petition, by fan Ian Lockwood and addressed to Kirklees Council, asks that a blue plaque to commemorate the event be erected on the facade of the former club, originally part of Huddersfield's ornate Grand Picture Theatre and later incorporated into a supermarket.
You can sign the petition here.