Legendary Agnostic Front guitarist steps to the forefront with his debut solo record.

Having been part of the NYHC scene since the early ‘80s, founding AF in ‘82, then playing for Madball before returning to the ‘Front, it’s no wonder that Vinnie Stigma (second from left) has earned the moniker, ‘The Godfather of Hardcore’.

“I left my last job as a long shoreman when I was 25 years old and have been touring the world ever since. I could not imagine doing anything else. I get to see my friends everywhere I go. It’s my life and I wouldn’t change it for anything.”

Following a conversation between Vinnie and Hatebreed frontman Jamey Jasta back in 2003, Vinny has now picked up the microphone and recruited his “good friends” Josh Tilotta (guitar), Mike Gallo (bass) and Luke Rota (drums) to round out his new band STIGMA.

“I felt that now is the best time for me do something like this. I’m still doing Agnostic Front. Roger [Miret, AF vocalist] has a new baby now, so I know he will have his hands full when we’re not on tour. My son is a teenager now. I’ve been through a lot and this gives me the opportunity to express myself vocally. This CD tells you the story of my life, lyrically and musically.”

Musically, the new album, aptly titled ‘New York Blood’ and produced by Jamey Jasta and former Monster Magnet guitarist Phil Caivano, is Vinnie’s most varied work to date, incorporating punk, oi, rock ‘n’ roll and country into his defining hardcore attitude. “This is what I enjoy listening to and I believe that anyone can enjoy this record,” explains Vinny.

“I have two great bands now, a tattoo shop (NYHC Tattoos, 127 Stanton St NY, 10002), good friends and a great family. What else could I ask for? That’s why this new band completes me. And don’t forget I have a movie coming out on Brain Damage called ‘New York Blood’, the same as my record.”

So with a long and impressive musical career, a tattoo shop and a movie about the dark side of life in NY, (not to mention a hilarious video on why you should vote for him to be president!) it’s no surprise that Vinny feels like he’s at his peak.

“Right now I’m on top of my game and I feel better than ever. The time is now and it will be until the day I die.”

‘New York Blood’ is out now on I-Scream.


1. CRO-MAGS The Age Of Quarrell
2. WARZONE - Don't Forget The Struggle, Don't Forget The Streets
3. AGNOSTIC FRONT - Victim In Pain
4. SICK OF IT ALL - Scratch The Surface
5. CRUMBSUCKERS - Life Of Dreams
6. MURPHYS LAW - Murphys Law
7. LEEWAY - Born To Expire
9. BOLD - Speak Out

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